Hypoallergenic Skin Cleanser


Skin Cleanser

Eco-Max Hypoallergenic Skin Cleanser is specially formulated without the use of known allergens to provide a safer product for sensitive individuals. This plant-based, environmentally responsible formulation handles tough soils but is safe and gentle for the entire body. This is a scent free product. Eco-Max Hypoallergenic Skin Cleanser is the product of choice for use in restrooms at fine restaurants, hotels, offices, institutions etc.

Features and Benefits

  • Effective, safe and gentle for use on the entire body
  • Non-GMO, latex free, scent free product
  • Non-toxic to humans and aquatic life
  • Zero indoor air pollution
  • Readily biodegradable
  • EcoLogo certified
  • Recyclable packaging

This product DOES NOT CONTAIN the following commonly used ingredients: Latex based Opacifier, Fragrances, Toxic Preservatives, Chemical Dyes. The preservative used in this product is food grade potassium sorbate.

Not WHMIS Regulated
This product is not WHMIS regulated


Lather wet hands with soap using friction. Cover all surfaces of hands including under the nails and backs of hands for at least 10 seconds. Rinse under warm running water and wipe dry.

Rinse empty bottle with water and recycle.

Downloads: MSDS - English  |  MSDS - French

Customers can purchase the products online or from a Distributor. Please contact us for more information on our Distributors.

General Specifications Result What This Means
PH 5.5 (+/- 0.5) Close to pH of skin, non irritating
WHMIS Not Regulated Safer to use and easier training.
Readily Biodegradable Yes Better for our environment.
VOCS 0% Zero indoor air pollution.
Calculated Oral LD50 Rat >14,000 mg/Kg Non-toxic, based on ingredients.
Aquatic Toxicity Specifications Result What This Means
Aquatic Toxicity LC50 Non-toxic, based on ingredients Minimal impact to aquatic species.